联合国从1975年国际妇女年开始庆祝国际妇女节,确认普通妇女争取平等参与社会的传统。1997年大会通过了一 项决议,请每个国家按照自己的历史和民族传统习俗,选定一年中的某一天宣布为联合国妇女权利和世界和平日。联合国的倡议导致为实现男女平等建立了国家法律 框架,并且提高了公众对于迫切需要在各个方面提高妇女地位的认识。
第一次世界大战前,战争的阴影笼罩着世界,帝国主义企图瓜分殖民地。1910年8月,在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开了国际社会主义者第二次妇女代 表大会。出席会议的有17个国家的代表,会议讨论的主要问题是反对帝国主义扩军备战,保卫世界和平;同时还讨论了保护妇女儿童的权利,争取8小时工作制和 妇女选举权问题。领导这次会议的著名德国社会主义革命家、杰出的共产主义战士克拉拉·蔡特金倡议,以每年的3月8日作为全世界妇女的斗争日,得到与会代表 的一致拥护。从此以后,“三八”妇女节就成为世界妇女争取权利、争取解放的节日。1917年,俄国妇女号召在2月23日 罢工以要求"面包和和平",抗议恶劣的工作环境和食物短缺.这天依据俄国使用的儒略历是当月的最后一个星期日,折合成欧洲广范使用的格里高历是3月8日.
1949年12月,中央人民政府政务院规定每年的3月8日为妇女节。联合国从1975年国际妇女年开始庆祝国际妇女节,确认普通妇女争取平 等参与社会的传统。1977年大会通过了一项决议,请每个国家按照自己的历史和民族传统习俗,选定一年中的某一天为联合国妇女权利和世界和平日。对联合国 而言,国际妇女节定为3月8日。
三 八 婦 女 節 快 乐!!!
Ali, so you are saying Dr Ma is a good Doctor (i have no comment of that), but not a good politician?
Are you support M$A for good doctor or good politician? (or course, the famous M$A tactic is, saying all politicians are ROTTEN APPLE, including PR one)
Remember, you are the one keep say must try to "heal" a party from inside.
So tell me, what have you done? Are these thing you done manage to change M$A? even a bit?!
Can share or not?
If today people support Obama as the new president which reflect on a democratic change, are they suppose to change their original nationality and move to US? Else, at the same time, they can't support Obama?
Dear Bahari,
I don't have big ambition like you all. Sorry to said that, i don't have any plan on how am i or you or the MCA members should manage for change. In facts, all of us know they need a change!
Can you pour some poisons on it so the rotten tree top can dies faster? Then, the new leaves can grow up from the bottoms.
What should i call you ? Dr. or Uncle? Since you said you are a neurologist, who has a better earning compare to the others, I think you must be much more older than me. I hope to know you better, not by calling a name that you pinjam from your Malay friend. I would be be more respect on what you are saying if you have your own name.
Sometimes, i thought i'm talking to someone yang tidak siuman and i get bored on it. Till now, i can't believe that a neurologist will express his anger by coming out those bad words like you're brainless ! you have a brain don't you ! stupid! idiot! FXXX! CXXXX ! ... on others' blogsphere.
:P After-all, neurologist is a human too, a real human, especially got to face these people that bring the country to hell, one leg is inside, wait for another leg to step into too, hell, i mean.
Our leg (the one still not yet into hell) can't hold longer, without awareness from B$ supporters!
Do you know what is HELL?
And you seem to be cool? You sure NOTHING you can do?
ali, about the change, if you are serious, then stop "think", do something significance!
You are a big girl, I shouldn't be here teach you what and how to do.
Is very sad for me to shout to youngster, afterall, you are the one gonna live with future of this country, which is very likely, in HELL.
Ali, since you seem to be having problem to understand what is HELL, ok, give you more solid example.
20 years ago we are happily to say that this country is MUCH better than Indonesia.
Yes, even today, this country could be better than Indonesia still, but certainly, the diff is getting much more smaller!
Do you know Indonesia has no more PREBUMI (do some reading if you do not know what is this) policy?
If thing hasn't change for next 10 years, we are surely behind Indonesia.
By that time, we can only tell ourselve, that we are still better than Mymmar!
Have you been in Mymmar? You tell me later, but i did, and indeed it is not much better than HELL, other than you can see human evil around instead of real evil.
We gonna be in a position that comparison with Mymmar in 10 years time, just because we have no one to compare with anymore!!
Hell, is waiting if nothing change in 10 years time.
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